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LaMonica McIver, Democratic Congressional Candidate for District10,Receives Endorsement from The Health Professionals and Allied Employees(HPAE),the Largest Union of Registered Nurses and Health

For Immediate Release— The Health Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE),

New Jersey’s largest and fastest growing union of Registered Nurses and Health Care

Professionals, announced its endorsement of LaMonica McIver to represent New

Jersey’s 10 th congressional district. HPAE is comprised of 14,000 members in 23 local

unions that include nurses, social workers, therapists, technicians, medical researchers

and other healthcare professionals working in hospitals, nursing homes, home care

agencies, blood banks and university research facilities throughout the state

In a statement, HPAE President Debbie White, RN, expresses appreciation for

LaMonica’s “dedication and commitment to supporting nurses and healthcare workers”

and calls her “a candidate who strongly supports the issues of our healthcare

workers…including expanding access to quality healthcare coverage…and fully funding

our public schools, and other public health institutions.”

As Council President and Central Ward Representative in the City of Newark, LaMonica

has long been a strong advocate for nurses and healthcare workers who are the

foundation of our health care system. With a deep understanding and appreciation of

their vital role, LaMonica has made it a priority to champion policies that ensure their

well-being, fair compensation, and workplace safety—important work she plans to

continue as a member of Congress.

“I am deeply honored to receive the endorsement of HPAE,” said LaMonica. “I know the

strength of our healthcare system is rooted in the resilience and dedication of its

workers, which is why I will continue to fight for better working conditions, safe staffing

levels, access to mental health resources, and protection from workplace hazards when

I get to Washington. No question, when healthcare workers are supported, they can

provide the best care possible to those in need—creating a stronger healthcare system

for us all,” she concluded.

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