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"Inside Newark with Council President LaMonica McIVer" focuses on the city council's historic decision to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote in school board elections

Lamonica McIver became the youngest woman elected to the City Council in 2018. She was born and raised in the Central Ward.

Inside Newark with Council President LaMonica McIVer focuses on the city council's historic decision to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote in school board elections.

Council President McIver says she's proud to spearhead the effort along with Council Patrick Council and the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice to give 16 and 17 year olds a chance to get involved in their city's decision-making.

"This is just the beginning. Now, there has to be a lot of conversations, workshops and learning. First of all, New Jersey has to implement back civics into the classroom. Some schools do here and there, but there needs to be a mandate to put civics into the curriculum."

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